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OEM Software Licensing: Rules & Restrictions

License Transfers*OEM Software may NOT be transferred to another machine. Even if the original laptop, PC or Server is no longer in use, or if the software is removed from the original hardware, OEM licenses are tied to the device on which the software is first installed. Microsoft Office and Terminal ServicesOEM versions of Microsoft Office cannot be deployed in […]

Enterprise Agreement Payment Solutions & Enterprise Agreement Program Guide

Enterprise Agreement Payment Solutions – Structured payment solutions for each licensing scenario Licensing discussions open new opportunities to adopt more cost-effective terms for your software purchases. Microsoft Payment Solutions help you structure your payments to better meet your business and financial goals. Enterprise Agreement Payment Solutions If you are considering a new Enterprise Agreement or renewing an existing Enterprise Agreement, […]

Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA)

Services Provider License Agreement: With the Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA), your organization can license Microsoft products and use these licensed products to provide software services and hosted applications to your customers.With SPLA, you are the licensee, not the customer. Software services are services that you provide to your customers that make Microsoft products available and that display, run, access, […]

Server and Cloud Enrollment (SCE) Program Guide

Server and Cloud Enrollment (SCE) The Server and Cloud Enrollment (SCE) is an enrollment under the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement that allows highlycommitted customers to standardize broadly on one or more of the four server and cloud technologies from Microsoft. In exchange for making an installed base-wide commitment to an SCE component, you receive a range of benefits, including new cloud-optimized […]

Select Plus Licensing Guide

Select Plus has been retired New Select Plus commercial agreements are no longer available. Customers with Select Plus agreements that have not been retired can continue to purchase through the agreement until further notice. If you have a commercial Select Plus agreement and want to begin purchasing through a different agreement such as the Enterprise Agreement, Microsoft Products and Services […]

Microsoft Online Services Licensing Guide_December 2012

What are Microsoft Online Services? Microsoft Online Services are subscription-based services that can help you incorporate cloud-based computing into your business.Delivered via a subscription and offered over the Web, Online Services complement your existing Microsoft on-premise solutions for users with rich desktop PCs and for users accessing applications via a Web browser. ☙ Subscription terms vary by offer, ranging from […]