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Reimaging Rights_November 2020

Reimaging rights – Benefits Customers licensing software through Microsoft Commercial Licensing programs benefit from the right to useCommercial Licensing media to deploy the same standard image of software across multiple licensed devices. Itdoes not matter whether those devices are licensed under that particular Commercial Licensing program, throughan OEM, or through retail channels, so long as certain eligibility rules are followed. […]

Multiplexing—Overview_March 2021

Multiplexing – Details – Servers Multiplexing does not reduce the number of Microsoft licenses required. Users and devices are always required tohave the appropriate licenses, regardless of their direct or indirect connection to a product. For example, any useror device that accesses the server, files, data or content provided by the server that is made available through anautomated process requires […]

Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA)

Services Provider License Agreement: With the Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA), your organization can license Microsoft products and use these licensed products to provide software services and hosted applications to your customers.With SPLA, you are the licensee, not the customer. Software services are services that you provide to your customers that make Microsoft products available and that display, run, access, […]

Self-Hosted Applications_November 2020

Licensing options for Self-Hosted Applications ISVs The SPLA is the primary licensing program and a flexible option for all service providers, including ISVs, offeringtheir applications as a software service. However, if you are an ISV with a qualified Unified Solution, the “Self-HostedApplications” use right available through the Product Terms may be the right choice for you. The Services Provider License […]

Microsoft Online Subscription Program – Access the benefits of Microsoft Online Services_2012

Online Subscription Program Online Microsoft Online Services is enterprise-class software delivered as subscription services. Online Services complement your existing Microsoft on-premises solutions for users with desktop PCs and for users accessing applications via a web browser. By choosing Microsoft Online Services you can combine the power of robust desktop-based applications with the flexibility of fully-hosted Internet services, providing an integrated […]

Volume Licensing for Government Brochure_January 2021

Volume Licensing for Government You need flexible licensing programs that can help you control budget spending while also giving you solutions to helpimprove the lives of your citizens. Find the Microsoft licensing agreement that’s right for your government organization Volume Licensing for Government – Midsize to Large Organizations Eligibility Enterprise Agreement for Government The Enterprise Agreement for Government helps you […]