Software Assurance SQL Server Deployment Planning Services-March 2021
SQL Server Deployment Planning Services (SSDPS)—custom deployment plans to help you launch, expand, or upgrade your SQL Server solutions.
Important: Software Assurance Deployment Planning Services are being retired. Starting February 2021, new planning days are no longer accrued for any agreement. You can create vouchers with your existing planning services days for
engagements until June 30, 2021. See Microsoft Planning Services for more information.
Plan your deployment
As a Software Assurance customer, you may be eligible for Planning Services days that you can use to plan your
SQL Server upgrade deployment. It’s simple: access your benefits, select an SSDPS partner or Microsoft Services to help
build a custom deployment plan, and Microsoft pays for the engagement. Whether you’re creating a business intelligence solution, migrating from Oracle, or upgrading to the latest version of SQL Server, SSDPS can help you start realizing the benefit of your IT investment today.
Use the offering to evaluate your options
➢ Data Platform Modernization. Modernize your data estate by upgrading your on-prem data platforms to the latest
version of SQL Server. You can work with an expert consultant to evaluate your current data infrastructure to
determine the best option for modernizing your data estate.

Using Planning Services days
Available in engagements of 1, 3, 5, 10, or 15 days, Planning Services offer a structured yet collaborative consulting
experience. The longer engagements allow for a deeper look at a specific technology and provide more in-depth analysis
and deployment planning. Your qualified partner can work with you to determine specific components to support your
organization’s needs and help ensure you understand what can and will be included in your engagement.
As a Microsoft Volume Licensing customer with Software Assurance, your organization receives a certain number of
Planning Services days based on your licensing agreement(s). Find out how many Planning Services days your organization is eligible for by going to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC). Or, if your organization has a Microsoft
Products and Services Agreement (MPSA), go to the Microsoft Business Center.
• See the VLSC Software Assurance Guide for detailed, step-by-step instructions for accessing and using Planning
• Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA) customers use the Microsoft Business Center
• Search partner listings to find a qualified solution provider or check with their Microsoft representative.
Planning Services has six offerings available to help you plan your deployment of Microsoft technologies: Desktop
(Office/Microsoft 365 and Windows); Dynamics; Private Cloud, Management, and Virtualization; SharePoint; Skype for
Business and Exchange; and SQL Server Deployment Planning Services.
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